Hin Onde

Oil on canvas

“How can I purchase your art?”

  • I do not have a checkout option on my website. I only do small print runs here and there and sell the originals that I have in galleries or on hand. If I am having a print run it will be stated in the “News” section of my website and on my Instagram.

  • If you are interested in acquiring my original artworks or prints that I have available you can message me about the art you are interested in through my website or contact me through my social media, the available art I have is listed under the “SHOP” tab on my website.

  • All print runs are pre-orders, the print run will run for about a month, once closed and sent to the printery I can not take any new orders.

“Do You Take Commissions?

I do not do custom pieces or commissions.

“Do You Ship Internationally?”

Yes I do ship internationally

“Do You Accept Returns?”

No, I do not accept returns. Once the artwork has been sent it can not be returned.